Top 5 Health Benefits Of Getting Cheap Dental Implants Melbourne

Cheap Dental Implant Melbourne

Planning for getting a dental implant? Then you’re on the right path! A Dental implant is not only for replacing the missing teeth but also they have many health benefits too! In this blog, we’ve listed the top 5 health benefits of cheap dental implants Melbourne. Before that let us know what dental implant is?

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that is surgically anchored into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth.  A dental implant restores the loss of tooth and give a look, make to feels, fits and functions like a natural tooth when it implanted by an experienced implant dentist.Okay now, let us discusses the benefits of getting implant treatment!

Top 5 health benefits of cheap dental implants Melbourne

  • Guard Your Healthy Jaw Bone
  • Eat What You Like
  • No Painful Oral Sores
  • Natural Dental Hygiene
  • Confidence in Your Smile
Guard Your Healthy Jaw Bone

When you lose your tooth, definitely you lose your confident smile and have support less jawbone. To protect your healthy bone, contact your dentist and have a dental implant treatment as soon as possible. The dental implant is the only cosmetic treatment which gives back your tooth’s root and its crown. It keeps your jawbone sturdy and healthy over time. Usually, the dental implant treatments are expensive but do the research and consult the dentist who offers cheapest dental implants cost in Melbourne and keep your jaw bone healthy.

Eat What You Like

Missing teeth and a loose or ill-fitting denture lead difficulty to eat what we like. But now it’s not a problem! Don’t hesitate to bite into a fresh apple, and eat corn right off the cob because it’s all possible with the stability provided by dental implants!

No Painful Oral Sores

Dentures that don’t fit quite right, often cause the problem like, sore spots and feel uncomfortable. And this oral health can also increase the risk of infection and also host serious health condition.  Don’t forget to follow regular follow-up to ensure speedy recovery and to be free from oral sores.

Natural Dental Hygiene

Strong and stable!! Dental implants allow you to maintain the natural shape of your face smile and your oral hygiene. After the treatment, if you regularly Brush, floss and care for teeth that have been replaced using dental implants, your dental hygiene will be perfect forever.

Confidence in Your Smile

Here is the final health benefit of the dental implant, i.e., Smile!!  With dental implants, you can deserve to live the life to its fullest, even after tooth loss

Request An Appointment Today!

Are you interested in learning more about the health benefits of dental implants? Or perhaps you’d like to begin your treatment, visit your nearby dentist and discuss the cost of dental implants Melbourne to start your treatment. Good Luck!!

Questions with Answer, That You Want To Ask About Dental Implant Melbourne

Ask About Dental Implant MelbourneDental implant is a surgical component that interfaces with the bone of the jaw to support other dental prosthesis such as a crown, bridge, denture, facial prosthesis to act as an orthodontic anchor. If you are considering dental implants Melbourne, before your treatment, have a look into the blog to know the solution for all your question you want to ask your dentist about your dental implant.

List of questions frequently asked by the patients,

  • Are Dental Implants Safe?
  • What Exactly Is A Dental Implant?
  • How Expensive Are Dental Implants?
  • Are Dental Implants Noticeable?
  • Does An Implant Require Special Care?
  • Is Dental Implant Surgery Painful?


1) Are Dental Implants Safe?

Yes, of course, it is 100% safe, Dental implants have been proven that is safe for patients and it gives a long-lasting alternative to a denture and restores comparatively more functionality to teeth. Patients who addicted to smoking or suffering from bone loss issue will not be suitable for dental implant treatment.

2) What Exactly Is A Dental Implant?

Dental implants are the best option to restore your smile that looks and feels like a natural teeth. A Dental Implant is a threaded titanium screw that is strong enough for a post to be placed inside. Once the screw and the post are placed, the dentist finishes the tooth with a cap or crown over it. Many people have a wrong idea that a dental implant makes up the entire replacement tooth but it’s not so. In fact, the Melbourne dental implants replaces only the root, after that the dentist places the crown or cap on top of the replacement root.

3) How Expensive Are Dental Implants?

Cost is probably one of the biggest problems when patient thinks to have a dental implant surgery. But thankfully, the experienced dentist in Sydney has been offering cheapest dental implant surgery with 98% success rate, and the actual price of dental implant surgery starts at $1500 and for full dental implant $2850.

4) Are Dental Implants Noticeable?

Implants are the right option to restore your smile back and to make your smile as natural as it is. The dentist you choose matches the colour and shape of your other teeth to the implant and so the process of a dental implant involves the process of radiograph, which detects the metal that replaced the root of the tooth.

5) Does An Implant Require Special Care?

Implant requires the same care that your natural teeth need. Brushing and flossing every day will help you to maintain your dental implant healthy. Scheduling regular check-ups and nutritious diet are the best ways to ensure your implant lasts a lifetime.

6) Is Dental Implant Surgery Painful?

Definitely no! Your dentist will evaluate and prescribe any pain medications based on the extent of your surgery. Depending on how long the procedure will take, your doctor will choose what, if any, anaesthesia to use.

Bottom Line:

To know more about dental implant and its treatment process contact your nearby experienced specialist of dental implant in Melbourne , they will provide you a good advice and counselling based on the treatment.

An Ultimate Guide to the Average Cost of Dental Implants in Melbourne

As we age, missing teeth becomes increasingly common and most of the times at least one tooth by the time they are 50. Previously, dentures has been regarded as the best tool for replacing missing teeth, but the advancement of dental implants have given people other desirable option.

This is because, dental implant looks and feels more like natural teeth and if cared properly can last long for more than 25 or 30 years. Many people refuse to get implant procedure due to the high cost of dental implants in Melbourne.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are nothing but frames that are surgically mounted into your jawbones underneath the gums. These frames are used as the base to install artificial replacement teeth. You can get these replacement crowns in different types of materials such as stainless steel, gold, silver, and more. But, dental implants made of titanium looks much better than crowns and do not stain or broke.

Different Types of Dental Implants

Dental implants in Melbourne are divided into two main categories,

  • Subperiosteal Implants
  • Endosteal Implants

Subperiosteal Implants

Subperiosteal implants are nothing but the metal frames that are inserted into the jawbone below the gum tissue. As the gum heals, the frame becomes more adjacent and stable. Artificial teeth are mounted on to the frames through the posts attached to it. This procedure is considered to be less painful and have low dental implants cost in Melbourne compared to other teeth replacement techniques.

Endosteal Implants

Endosteal type of implants is surgically placed into the jawbone and the artificial teeth are mounted over the frames through posts attached to it. After the gum has healed, a second surgery is needed to ensure correct positioning.

Tips to Take Care of Dental Implants

Each patient is different and they have different healing time. But, by following some basic guidelines proper healing takes place and the lifetime of your implants is prolonged.

Prevent Infections

After an implant surgery, make sure that you don’t get dental infection, which is the main cause for implant failure. Encourage healing within the site and keep infections away by taking in the right antibiotics prescribed by the dentists.

Eat Wisely

Make sure that you don’t return back to the normal eating habit right after the surgery. Increase your water intake because proper hydration will help you heal quickly and prevents problems with the healing process like dry mouth.

Oral Hygiene

Keep the surgical area clean and neat by brushing regularly and rinsing the site with lukewarm water. Use a specific dental routine to and switch to certain specialised dental tools to take proper care of your implants.

Be a Good Candidate for Dental Implants

Following are the required characteristics of good candidates for dental implants.

  • Have one or more missing teeth
  • Have a fully grown jawbone
  • Should have adequate bone density
  • Good health condition that encourages bone growth

Do you have the above requirements? Then, you are the good candidate for dental implants in Melbourne. Visit to find cheap dental implants in Melbourne.

6 Successful Options to Prevent Dental Implant Failure

Prevent Dental Implant FailureOver the recent years, dental implants have become the most exciting and advanced dental technology. Dental implants in Melbourne have gained this popularity because of its extreme durability and long-lasting characteristics. These implants have a very high success rate of 98% when maintained properly.

Even though it has a high success rate of 98%, complications and failure may still occur and the reasons for failure includes,

  • Mechanical problems,
  • Poor connection to the bones in which they are implanted,
  • Infection or
  • Rejection

When such implant failures occur, the dental implants placed must be removed to avoid further complications.

Here, we have listed the 6 common practices every dental professional do to prevent dental implant from failing.

Are You a Good Candidate?

We all know that not everyone is a good candidate for dental implants. The essential requirements for getting dental implant in Melbourne are,

  • Good general health,
  • Healthy gums and
  • Adequate bone tissue.

If a dental professional suggests implant to person who lacks any of these key factors, it might increase the chances of implant failure. Also, many dental professionals avoid giving dental implants to young patients below 20 years of age. This is because, their jaw and facial bones have likely not finished forming until they are in their 20s.

They also recommend their patients to quit smoking to increase the success rate of dental implants in Melbourne. Studies show the implant loss rate for smokers is around 15.8 precent while the rate for non-smokers is around 1.4 precent.

Moreover, clearing up any gum disease or infection is essential to avoid or prevent any risk factors for implant failure.

Prevent the Need for an Implant

Many experienced dentist in Melbourne stay on top of dental problems as soon as they arise. They try to concentrate on compromised tooth with fillings, crowns and root canals before we subject you to an involved and expensive dental implant.

Bone or Gum Crafts

To stabilise your dental implant, one should need enough solid jaw bone tissues. Dental professionals add bone mass to your jaw bone through grafting, if your bone tissue is not deep enough, wide enough or long enough. However, this can add more time and cost to your treatment but ensures high success rate.

Osseo Integration Process

Melbourne Dental Implants specialists doesn’t rush the osseo integration process because it needs some time the post and your jaw bone to fuse together to become one. This step of process is absolutely crucial for implant success.

Proper Placement of Implant

When an implant is placed very close to a nerve, it leads to pain and tingling that makes removal of implant necessary.


The major cause for implant failure is said to be peri-implantitis, the destructive inflammatory process affecting the soft and hard tissues surrounding dental implants. It occurs when pathogenic microbes in the mouth and oral cavity develop into biofilms, which protects them and encourages growth. Peri-implantitis is caused when the biofilms develop on dental implants.

Top 5 Dental Implant Mistakes

Have you lost a tooth? You should seriously consider getting a teeth replacement. Because other than affecting your appearance, missing teeth can also lower your self-confidence, personality and are not good for your oral health. Dental implants in Melbourne are a formidable teeth replacement option as they are fixed deep into the jawbone. They also perfectly imitate the look and the functioning of your original teeth. However, you should avoid certain mistakes while having dental implants or face devastating consequences as discussed here,

Choosing an inexperienced dentist

Not all dentists can perform a tricky surgery like dental implants. You cannot approach a general practitioner who performs your regular cleanings and check-ups for fixing dental implants in Melbourne. Only dentists with advanced training in dentistry like the oral surgeons, periodontists or prosthodontists are capable of this task. Take your time and research well so that you would find the right dentist with the required set of skill and expertise.

Not checking if you are a suitable candidate

Dental implant candidacy is based on various factors like medical conditions and lifestyle. Make sure that you are fit and have the adequate dental structure for the surgery. If the dental implant surgery is performed on those who don’t fit the right criteria, then it could result in implant failure. So approach 2-4 dentists to confirm if you can have dental implants. Even if you are not a candidate, your dentist can help you receive implants by performing auxiliary techniques like bone grafts in most cases. But sometimes, you need to make some serious lifestyle changes like quitting personal habits and taking persistence care of your oral hygiene.

Dental tourism

This means travelling to a foreign country to receive dental care at a cheaper price. Many people consider getting dental implants overseas in order to save some money. Also, various travelling agencies offer attractive packages that combine dental treatment with exotic vacations. But think twice before falling for overtures that sound too good to be true. You cannot know about the quality of service you would receive over there. On the other hand, dental implant cost in Melbourne might be higher. But at least you do not have to worry about the quality of care and materials.

Disregarding the after-care instructions

The dental implants need time to heal and you would be asked to rest properly before resuming your regular activities. During the healing period, you need to avoid certain foods, smoking and drinking. Also, it is mandatory to maintain proper oral hygiene. Otherwise, the wounds would not heal faster. Additionally, lack of care could cause infection, which can severely affect the implants.
Avoid committing these mistakes if you want to get your natural smile back.

Short-term Complications Associated with Dental Implants

Complications Associated with Dental ImplantsDental implants are considered as the best teeth replacement option in terms of benefits, success rate and functioning. Dental implants have less than 2% of failure rate while studies reveal that the rate of failure for regular dentures and crowns in the first 10 years is about 15-20%. Dental implants in Melbourne cost much more than the other alternatives for missing teeth. However, considering the effectiveness and durability, dental implant cost in Melbourne is usually worth it. To make the most out of your investment, it is important to understand the causes for an implant failure so that you can avoid them. They are given below,

Implant infection

Also known as Pre-implantitis, this can occur due to a variety of reasons such as smoking, bad oral hygiene and poor compliance. Pre-implantitis can lead to the inflammation of gum and the bone surrounding the implant, often causing bone loss. The loss of bone around the implant in turn would loosen it over time. If caught early, dentist would clean the impacted area with antibacterial solutions and prescribe antibiotics to halt the progress of the infection. Unfortunately in certain cases, the patients would not notice the infection before it is too late and the dentist would have to remove the implants, do bone grafting and fix new implants after that part is healed.

Inability to heal

Before the placement of dental implants in Melbourne, your dentist would assess your mouth thoroughly. He/she would also ask about your medical history to make sure that you do not suffer from any ailments or take medications that would create unnecessary complications in the future. Conditions such as uncontrolled diabetes, thin gums, poor immune system, alcoholism etc. would hinder the healing process, which is very important for the success of the implants.

Lack of performance

The dentist who performs the dental implant surgery in Melbourne must have a thorough knowledge about the osseo-integration process and possess the required surgical skill. If the performance is poor, then the implant would most probably fail. It can also cause pain, swelling and infection.

Lack of bone

Implant needs to be firmly fixed into the jawbone for a successful teeth restoration. This is only possible if there is an adequate bone growth around the implant. People who are suffering from missing teeth for a long period would have surely lost some bone volume around that area. If that is the case, the dentist would perform bone graft to correct this deficiency. If this condition is ignored, then the implant would fail.

Paying no heed to the post-care instruction

Your dentist would provide you instructions when you are in the recovering period like avoiding strenuous activities, maintaining proper oral hygiene, taking regular medications and keeping away from particular foods to ensure the longevity of the implants. If they are not followed properly, implant failure might occur.
Thus, the dentist and the patients should have to work together to minimise the chance of implant failure.

The benefits and requirements of Dental implant treatment

Dental implant requirements

If you have lost teeth, dental implants in Melbourne are preferable by far when compared to unwieldy dentures. For people who suffer from the indignity of enduring uncomfortable dentures that slip off at inopportune moments frequently in everyday life, dental implants are a boon from heaven itself.

In essence, a dental implant is a metal post (generally titanium), that enables us to mount replacement teeth into that particular area. They provide a strong and durable foundation for your fixed or removable replacement teeth, making the dental implant cost in Melbourne a good investment.

There are many advantages in procuring dental implants. Some of them are as follows:-

1- Improved appearance: Dental implants do not alter the structure of your mouth, thus reducing discomfort. As compared to dentures, which need reducing of adjacent teeth, this is a very lucrative option.

2- Better speech: Poor orientation of dentures might cause anyone to slur their speech or mumble, creating a very poor impression. Since dental implants mirror the natural orientation of your teeth, such problems are drastically reduced.

3-Great comfort: Since they become a seamless part of your body, dental implants increase orthodontic comfort.

4- Effortless eating:  Because you do not have to worry about sliding dentures, eating becomes a treat instead of a chore.

5- Durability: Dental implants are highly durable. With proper care, they can even last a lifetime.

Thus, people who cannot afford the pay the fees are readily risking their oral health by getting dental implants overseas. If you are considering the possibility of getting dental implants in Melbourne to improve your overall health, there are certain requirements you need to fulfil in order to be eligible for this surgery

1- Possession of healthy gums: Your gums need to be in fine shape for a successful surgery, as the new implant fuses with the basal jawbone. People with periodontal disease have a high rate of implant failure.

2- Adequate bone support: Since dental implants mesh with the jawbone in order to anchor the replacement tooth properly, adequate bone density and quality is the most important requirement for the success of dental implants. Bone grafts or mini implants may sometimes be considered for patients who do not have enough bone support.

3- Commitment to oral health: For regular maintenance of dental implants, excellent oral hygiene is absolutely necessary. A regime of daily brushing and flossing, along with frequent visits to the dentist is crucial. Keep in mind that these habits are essential in taking care of your natural teeth as well.

4- No teeth clenching: Teeth clenching has shown to negatively affect dental implants.

5- Good overall health: As this is a surgical procedure, the overall physical condition of the patient should be fit enough to enable undergoing the surgery.

The best and most sure-fire way to determine your eligibility for a dental implant in Melbourne is to consult a qualified implant dentist. Mostly, he/she will give a look at the above criteria, as well as the location of your missing teeth when making sure that implant dentistry is the best solution for brightening your smile.

Tips to spend less on dental implants

Dental implants in Melbourne

The most common methods of teeth replacement are fixed bridges, dentures and dental implants. Out of them, only dental implants do a complete job by providing both the visible part of the lost tooth and its root. But, Dental implant procedures are more complex and physically demanding. Because of this, the dental implants in Melbourne cost more than the other options.  However, the various advantages of having the implants are worth the time and the money put into it,

  • They can last longer than the other teeth replacement methods. With proper maintenance, they can last a lifetime.
  • They offer a more natural looking smile
  • They allow you to chew your food properly so that you do not have to compromise your diet after missing your teeth. Hence, they do not affect your diet.
  • They are easy to maintain

However, not all people can afford the higher initial cost of dental implants in Melbourne. But it is possible to reduce the overall cost if you follow some steps. They are discussed here,

  • Rate comparison

It is important to consult many dental clinics and get quotes. Make sure that the quote includes all the relevant aspects of the treatment like consultation charges, imaging, anaesthesia, modelling, surgery, materials etc. and additional procedures(if needed) such as sinus lifts and bone grafts. By comparing the quotes, you can choose the dentist who offers more affordable dental implants in Melbourne without any dispute in the quality.

  • Choosing the right location

Clinics located in the urban areas tend to charge more than the clinics located in the suburbs. This is because the cost of maintaining a clinic in a metropolitan is significantly higher. As such, getting treated in a less popular location can fetch you a lesser price.

  • Visiting dental schools

Dental schools often conduct dental programs so that the students can gain more practical experience. Experienced surgeons would accompany the students to monitor the whole process. This might suit the persons who do not care about the lack of expertise.

  • Insurance policies

Dental implants in Melbourne are often regarded as a cosmetic procedure and are not covered by most of the insurance plans. But in some cases when they become necessary to restore the oral functions of a patient, a part of which would be paid by the insurance company.

  • Financing options

At most clinics, you can get the surgery done initially and pay for it later in monthly instalments with interests.

  • Dental plans

By becoming a member of discount dental plans, you can save thousands of dollars in dental implants.

These ways make the dental implants relatively cheaper for people who cannot afford them otherwise.

Tips to ensure the longevity of the Dental implants

In Melbourne, Dental implants procedures are done to last a life-time. However, just as any other medical treatment they have a small chance of failure. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain good oral hygiene before, during and after the placement of tooth implants in Melbourne. It is necessary to remove 85% of the oral plaque on a daily basis once you get your implant fixed. This is very important for the overall health of the implants. Here are some tips that contributes to the long-term success of your dental implants,

  • Your jawbone plays a crucial role in the sustenance of your dental implants in Melbourne. Your dentist ensures that the quality and the quantity of your bone are sufficient enough to support implants before the procedure. If not, they would advise you to have a bone graft to achieve the required bone structure.
  • One of the most important factors that determine the success of your implants is the expertise of the surgeon who places them. Only a skilled dental care provider can make the titanium posts to reach deep into the gum tissues so that it has sufficient contact with the jawbone. A strong bond with the bone ensures the effective support of implant.
  • You are required to undergo healthy changes in your lifestyle. Increased use of alcohol and tobacco can affect the bonding and the healing process of the dental implants. Thus, the strength of the implants gets compromised.
  • By regularly visiting your general dentist, you can identify any potential issues like diabetes that can affect the natural healing of the implants and the health of the remaining teeth. It is essential to manage those issues to preserve the healthy condition of your implants.
  • Some patients have the habit of clenching or grinding their teeth at night. The resulting pressure can cause damage to the tooth implants in Melbourne. They are advised to use mouth guard to manage this situation.
  • Also, follow the health care recommendations given below,
  • Use dentifrices that are less abrasive, safe and effective. It is better to avoid the products that have stannous fluoride, sodium fluoride, baking soda, stain removers, and smoker’s toothpaste.
  • Brush twice daily to remove the plaque with a soft toothbrush. Interdental brushes can help you to clean the tight and unreachable areas around the implants. The presence of metal wires can cause scratching, so use Nylon-only interdental brushes.
  • Floss regularly to maintain the health of the tissues surrounding the implant. Unwaxed tape or implant-specific floss is highly recommended.
  • If the person is suffering from any dexterity issues or inflammation, they are advised to use anti-microbial rinses.

Thus, the success and the longevity of your dental implants are ensured.

Is it really necessary to go abroad for having dental implants?

Dental Tourism is widely popular all over the world. There has been an increasing growth in the number of people going to foreign destinations like Thailand and India for Dental care. Rather than doing it locally in Australia, many patients are interested in dental implants overseas to have the same treatment done at reduced rate. However, it is important to consider if they would really receive the same favourable outcomes as having dental implants in Australia. Here are some factors that shows that you do not have to travel abroad to get dental implants,

  • The most obvious advantage of getting dental implants overseas is the reduction of cost. However, you should also consider the expenses involved in flight tickets, accommodation and transport. Also, you cannot get back to your work for at least two weeks. By undergoing the procedure in Australia, the overall price to be paid is straightforward and you need not be worried about any hidden costs.
  • It is possible to receive high quality care at cheaper rates in foreign countries. There may be many ethical dental care providers in those nations who offer good services akin to the developed countries. But you cannot be sure if you are about to visit one of such professionals. It is foolish to presume that all clinics would follow the same principles. On contrary, you can be absolutely sure about the quality of treatment that you are about to receive for dental implants in Australia.
  • In some cases, use of lower quality materials enables the dentist to rate cheaper. It is more likely that the quality of the materials used for the dental crowns, bridges and dental appliances are not the same as in Australia.
  • The clinics in Australia maintain high standards of quality to offer best services to the patients as regulated by the government. You cannot expect the same standard in the developing countries.
  • Ask yourself what happens when something goes wrong with the dental implant procedure. Even if you are willing to fly all the way back to a long-distant location, your legal rights as a foreign patient are always questionable. Moreover, it is not permissible to file any lawsuit against a foreign practitioner in Australia.
  • There are clinics that offer affordable dental implants in Australia. They are able to offer lower than average rates with proper planning and the required expertise.
  • If you are satisfied with your previous dental implant procedure and would like to do remedial works in Australia, it would be much more expensive.

Weigh both the pros and cons thoroughly before taking an adventurous towards dental tourism. Compromising your dental health for saving a couple of thousand bucks can cost you more, not just in terms of money.