How Bone Grafts Enhance the Longevity of Dental Implants

Dental implants have revolutionized the field of dentistry, offering a reliable and long-lasting solution for tooth replacement. However, successful dental implantation often depends on the quality and quantity of the patient’s jawbone. Bone grafts play a crucial role in enhancing the longevity of dental implants by ensuring a solid foundation for the implant post. This blog explores the importance of bone grafts in dental implant procedures and how they contribute to the long-term success of Dental implants Melbourne.

Understanding Bone Grafts

A bone graft is a surgical procedure that involves transplanting bone tissue to repair and rebuild diseased or damaged bones. In the context of dental implants, bone grafting is used to augment the jawbone where it is too thin or soft to support an implant. Without sufficient bone density, the implant may fail to integrate properly with the jawbone, leading to implant failure.

Types of Bone Grafts

  1. Autografts: These are bone grafts taken from another part of the patient’s body, such as the hip or another area of the jaw. Autografts are considered the gold standard because they are biocompatible and have no risk of rejection.
  2. Allografts: These grafts come from a donor, typically a cadaver. Allografts are processed to ensure they are safe for transplantation. They are a popular choice due to their availability and the elimination of the need for a second surgical site.
  3. Xenografts: Derived from animal sources, usually cows, xenografts are treated to be safe and effective for human use. They provide a natural scaffold that encourages new bone growth.
  4. Synthetic Grafts: These are man-made materials that mimic the properties of natural bone. They are used when natural graft materials are not available or suitable.

The Role of Bone Grafts in Dental Implants

Bone grafts are essential for patients who have experienced bone loss due to periodontal disease, trauma, or prolonged tooth loss. Here’s how bone grafts enhance the longevity of dental implants near me:

1. Providing a Stable Foundation

A successful dental implant requires a stable and robust foundation. Bone grafts increase the volume and density of the jawbone, ensuring that the implant post has sufficient support. This stability is crucial for the osseointegration process, where the implant fuses with the bone, creating a secure anchor for the artificial tooth.

2. Preventing Implant Failure

Insufficient bone density can lead to implant failure as the implant may not integrate properly with the jawbone. By augmenting the bone, grafts minimize the risk of implant movement or loosening, significantly reducing the chances of failure.

3. Enhancing Aesthetic Outcomes

Bone grafts help in restoring the natural contours of the jawbone, which can be crucial for the aesthetic outcome of dental implants. A well-augmented bone structure ensures that the gums and the implant-supported teeth look natural and harmonious with the rest of the patient’s smile.

4. Promoting Long-Term Oral Health

Bone grafts not only provide immediate support for tooth implants but also contribute to long-term oral health. By restoring the jawbone, grafts help maintain the integrity of the facial structure and prevent further bone loss, which can affect adjacent teeth and overall dental health.

The Bone Grafting Procedure

The bone grafting procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia. The dentist or oral surgeon makes an incision in the gum to expose the bone and then places the graft material. Over time, the graft integrates with the existing bone, creating a solid base for the dental implant. The healing process can take several months, after which the implant procedure can proceed.


Bone grafts play a pivotal role in the success and longevity of dental implants.  For patients with insufficient bone density, bone grafting offers the opportunity to benefit from the life-changing advantages of dental implants. Talk to an expert to know about dental implants cost  today.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What is the purpose of a bone graft in dental implant procedures?

A bone graft is used to augment the jawbone when it is too thin or soft to support a dental implant. It provides a stable foundation for the implant, ensuring proper osseointegration and long-term success of the dental implant.

2. How long does the bone grafting process take?

The bone grafting procedure itself typically takes about an hour, but the healing process can take several months. During this time, the graft integrates with the existing bone, creating a solid base for the dental implant. The total time from grafting to implant placement can range from three to six months.

3. Are there different types of bone grafts?

Yes, there are four main types of bone grafts: autografts (from the patient’s own body), allografts (from a donor), xenografts (from animal sources), and synthetic grafts (man-made materials). Each type has its own advantages and is selected based on the patient’s specific needs and circumstances.

4. Is bone grafting necessary for all dental implant patients?

No, bone grafting is not necessary for all dental implant patients. It is typically required for those who have experienced significant bone loss due to periodontal disease, trauma, or prolonged tooth loss. A thorough evaluation by a dental professional will determine if a bone graft is needed.

5. What are the risks associated with bone grafting?

While bone grafting is generally safe, it carries some risks, including infection, graft rejection, and complications at the donor site (for autografts). However, with proper care and a skilled dental professional, these risks are minimized, and the procedure has a high success rate.

Here’s Why Jawbone Health Matters for Dental Implants

Dental implants have revolutionised the field of restorative dentistry, offering a durable and natural-looking solution for replacing missing teeth. At the heart of the success of dental implants lies a crucial factor that often goes unnoticed: the health of the jawbone. A strong and healthy jawbone forms the foundation for successful implant placement and long-term stability. Know why jawbone health matters for dental implants and how it influences the success and dental implants cost Melbourne.

The Importance of a Solid Foundation:

Dental implants are designed to mimic the function of natural tooth roots, providing a stable anchor for replacement teeth. Just as a solid foundation is essential for constructing a sturdy building, a healthy jawbone serves as the foundation for dental implants. When a tooth is lost, the jawbone in that area can begin to deteriorate due to lack of stimulation. Over time, this can result in bone loss, leading to changes in facial appearance and potential complications for dental implant placement.

Osseointegration: The Key to Success:

The success and cost of dental implants Melbourne hinge on a remarkable process known as osseointegration. During osseointegration, the titanium post of the implant fuses with the surrounding jawbone tissue, creating a strong and permanent bond. This integration provides stability for the implant and mimics the natural connection between tooth roots and bone. For osseointegration to occur effectively, the jawbone must be healthy and have sufficient density.

Factors Affecting Jawbone Health:

  • Tooth Loss and Bone Resorption: When a tooth is lost, the jawbone in that area no longer receives the necessary stimulation from chewing. As a result, the bone can start to resorb or shrink over time. This bone loss can impact the structural integrity of the jaw and create challenges for dental implant placement.
  • Bone Density and Volume: The quality and quantity of the jawbone are crucial for dental implant success. Sufficient bone density is required to provide a stable foundation for the implant. In cases of significant bone loss, bone grafting procedures may be necessary to augment the jawbone and enhance its health.
  • Gum Disease and Infections: Periodontal (gum) disease can lead to bone loss in the jaw, affecting its health and density. Infections and inflammation can compromise the ability of the bone to support dental implants.

Why Jawbone Health Matters:

  • Implant Stability and Longevity: A healthy jawbone provides a strong base for dental implants, ensuring their stability and long-term success. An implant placed in a healthy jawbone is less likely to shift, become loose, or fail over time.
  • Natural-Looking Aesthetics: Dental implants are intended to seamlessly blend with your natural teeth. A well-maintained jawbone ensures that the implant-supported restoration sits at the correct height and angle, contributing to a natural and attractive appearance.
  • Preservation of Facial Structure: The jawbone supports the muscles of the face and maintains its shape. A deteriorating jawbone can lead to a sunken appearance, making a person look older. Dental implants stimulate the jawbone, preserving facial contours and maintaining a youthful look.
  • Bite Function and Speech: A strong jawbone allows for proper bite function and speech clarity. Dental implants enable you to chew and speak comfortably and confidently, without concerns about shifting or discomfort.

Preserving and Enhancing Jawbone Health:

  • Timely Treatment:  Addressing tooth loss promptly with dental implants can prevent further bone loss and deterioration. The earlier implants are placed, the better the chances of preserving jawbone health.
  • Bone Grafting: In cases of inadequate bone density, bone grafting procedures can enhance the jawbone and create a suitable foundation for dental implants.
  • Good Oral Hygiene: Maintaining excellent oral hygiene helps prevent gum disease and infections that can impact jawbone health. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are essential.
  • Avoiding Tooth Loss: Preventing tooth loss through good oral care practices and seeking prompt treatment for dental issues can help maintain the health of your jawbone.

Jawbone health is a critical factor in the success and longevity of dental implants. By prioritising your jawbone health, you’re investing in a strong foundation for a confident and enduring smile. Talk to your dentist to know about the dental implants Melbourne cost today.

8 Mistakes That Could Ruin Your Dental Implants Treatment

Dental implants are a remarkable solution for replacing missing teeth, offering durability, functionality, and natural-looking results. However, it is crucial to understand that the success of your dental implants treatment relies on several factors, including your actions and behaviours during the process. To ensure the longevity and effectiveness of your dental implants, it is important to avoid certain mistakes that could jeopardise the outcome. These are the common mistakes that could ruin your dental implants treatment and impact the dental implants cost Melbourne.

Neglecting Oral Hygiene:

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is neglecting proper oral hygiene practices. Just like natural teeth, dental implants require regular brushing, flossing, and professional dental cleanings. Failing to maintain good oral hygiene can lead to bacterial growth, gum disease, and implant failure. Follow your dentist’s instructions and adopt a diligent oral hygiene routine to preserve the health of your dental implants.


Smoking is detrimental to your oral health and can significantly increase the risk of implant failure. It impairs blood circulation, slows down healing, and contributes to gum disease. If you are a smoker, quitting or reducing smoking is crucial for the success of your dental implants. Consult with your dentist for guidance and support in your efforts to quit smoking.

Ignoring Post-Operative Instructions:

After your dental implant surgery, your dentist will provide specific post-operative instructions for a successful recovery. These instructions may include guidelines for pain management, dietary restrictions, and oral hygiene practices. Ignoring or neglecting these instructions can lead to complications, delayed healing, and implant failure. Follow your dentist’s advice closely to optimise your healing process.

Grinding or Clenching Teeth:

Bruxism, or teeth grinding and clenching, can place excessive pressure on dental implants and surrounding teeth. This can lead to implant loosening or damage. If you have a history of bruxism, inform your dentist so they can recommend a suitable solution, such as a nightguard or occlusal splint, to protect your implants and prevent further issues.

Delaying Dental Visits:

Regular dental check-ups are essential for monitoring the health of your dental implants and identifying any potential problems early on. Do not skip your dental appointments, as your dentist can detect signs of implant-related issues or other oral health concerns that need attention. Early intervention can prevent complications and save your implants.

Neglecting Overall Health:

Your overall health plays a significant role in the success of dental implants. Certain health conditions, such as uncontrolled diabetes or immune disorders, can hinder the healing process and implant integration. Inform your dentist about your medical history and any changes in your health status. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and following your healthcare provider’s advice can contribute to the long-term success of your dental implants and keep the dental implants Melbourne cost in check.

Failure to Wear a Mouthguard:

If you participate in contact sports or engage in activities with a risk of facial trauma, wearing a mouthguard is essential. A custom-fitted mouthguard can protect your dental implants and natural teeth from potential damage. Do not overlook this precautionary measure to safeguard your investment in dental implants.

Chewing Hard or Sticky Foods:

Avoid chewing on hard or sticky foods, especially during the initial healing phase after implant placement. Hard foods can place excessive pressure on the implants, and sticky foods can potentially dislodge the crowns or restorations. Follow your dentist’s recommendations regarding dietary restrictions to ensure the stability and longevity of your dental implants.

By avoiding these common mistakes and following your dentist’s instructions, you can maximise the success of your dental implants treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about the cost of dental implants Melbourne, do not hesitate to reach out to your dentist.

Things You Need To Know About Gum Disease and Dental Implants Treatment

Gum disease is an inflammation of the gums that can be very debilitating. Bacteria-filled plaque adheres to and builds up along the gum line, causing gingivitis. In adults, gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss. It’s also related to an elevated risk of heart attack, stroke, and coronary artery disease, as well as other systemic diseases including diabetes and even cancer.

Gum disease can occur in a number of ways, including:

  • Gums that are red, swollen, and tender and bleed easily
  • Gum line receding
  • You have pus between your teeth
  • Having a sensation that your teeth are loose

It is likely to have periodontal disease without any warning signs or symptoms. That’s why it’s important to not only follow good dental hygiene procedures, but also to see your dentist at least twice a year. The faster you detect the disease, the higher your chances of easily combating it and preventing undesirable effects such as receding gums or, worse, tooth loss.

Dental Implants

Missing teeth can be harmful to your health and cause major lifestyle changes. Dental implants can help with this. Tooth implant Melbourne is the most effective way to replace a missing or damaged tooth or teeth. An implant is placed in your mouth to serve as the root of your tooth, and then a crown, bridge, or other form of natural-looking reconstruction is placed on top of it. When it’s all said and done, no one will know you’ve ever been missing a tooth. This technique is highly recommended because of the various advantages it provides, including:

  • Bone loss prevention
  • Increasing the stability and longevity
  • Making it easier for you to chew and talk
  • Fully natural appearance

Can patients with gum disease get affordable dental implants in Melbourne?

Simply the answer is no! To receive a Tooth implant Melbourne, you must have healthy, solid gums. Gum disease weakens and dissolves the tissue and bone. Your gum tissue and jawbone may not be strong enough to tolerate an implant even after you’ve treated the disease. Your jawbone must be thick and wide enough to comfortably accommodate the implant during an implant procedure. The implant and final reconstruction must be fully surrounded by gum tissue.

You may be a candidate for a bone and/or soft tissue graft if this is the case. Both of these techniques are very common and very reliable. After the operation is finished and you have had time to recover, you will most likely be a better candidate for a dental implant. The dental implants Melbourne cost depends on various factors and you can discuss about it with your dentist during the consultation.

Prevent gum disease after implants procedure

Risk of developing gum disease does not disappear even after you undergo dental implant procedure. So prevention is vital. To prevent gum diseases, you need to

  • Brush and floss your teeth regularly.
  • Visit your dentist on a regular basis — at least twice a year.
  • Consult your dentist about a preventive treatment to halt the spread of bacteria before it begins.
  • Maintain a balanced diet.

Stop vaping or smoking — it’s a major cause of peri-implantitis!

How Poor Oral Hygiene Affects Dental Implants?

Good oral hygiene before, during, and after dental implants procedure is crucial. Brushing and flossing regularly helps to prevent bacteria from causing several oral issues. Dental implants are a significant investment, and if you want to protect it, you need to maintain them as you do to your natural teeth. Dental implants may not be decayed, but they are vulnerable to gum disease. Therefore, good oral hygiene is essential.

The impacts of poor oral hygiene on implants

Although dental implants can last longer, poor oral hygiene leads to implant failure. If you are a smoker it makes things even worse. Keeping the gums, surrounding teeth, and implants post clean is important for the success of implant procedure. A failure to keep your gums and teeth clean can lead to the potential failure of the implant procedure during the recovery process.

Poor dental hygiene leads to gum disease. It affects the health of your gum tissues and the gum line as well. If it is not treated, it leads to gum recession and the infection will be spread to the other structure of the mouth. It affects not only the teeth implants but also the other healthy teeth as well. As a result, you will start losing your teeth one by one.

The plaque build-up around the implant is the major cause of the inflammation. It forms a pocket, and it becomes the breeding ground for the bacteria as food particles can be trapped in the flap. If it is detected early, the gum disease can be reversed. Failing to do so will result in implant failure as gum disease can weaken the position of the dental implants and affects its stability. If implants losses its stability you will automatically lose the crown part (Prosthetic tooth) which is fixed over the implant.

In fact, before you notice that you have gum disease, it can be progressed to the final stage called periodontitis. So, following proper oral hygiene is the key to make the teeth implants last forever.

Here is what you should do to maintain your dental implants

Brush your teeth regularly

It is essential to brush your teeth twice a day when you have implants. If you could brush after every meal it could be better.

Floss your teeth regularly
You must floss daily to remove the plaque and food particles that is hiding in-between your teeth. There are special implants flossing products to floss around the implant without causing any damages to the gum-line. Consider investing in those products to floss without affecting the gum tissue around the implant.

Visit the dentist regularly

To ensure the optimal health of the dental implants, scheduling dental visits every six months is essential. Dental cleanings can help to remove the plaque build-up from your teeth and gum tissue.

Quit smoking

Smoking is not good for both dental and overall health. The chemicals present in the tobacco can delay the healing process and leads to implant failure and oral cancer as well.

For more information about dental implants price Melbourne and how to maintain them, contact our dentist.

The Essence of Dental Implants You Need to Know

Sometimes, people find the need for healthy and natural alternatives to their teeth. Dental implants afford you that option. You live and enjoy the essence of talking, laughing, kissing, eating, and smiling with full confidence. They come in the form of artificial tooth roots shaped like screws meant for attachment to your jawbone. Once a dentist attaches them, dental implants bond and merge with your natural bone. The end product is a jawbone that is as natural as the rest creating a sturdy base upon which artificial teeth known as crowns fit. An abutment is a connection between your dental implant and your crowns. A dentist fits them firmly creating a strong attachment similar to that of natural teeth. The crowns should fit into your mouth and match your other natural teeth. Therefore, dentists custom make crowns after finding the right measurements from your natural teeth. Dental implants cost varies depending on your provider, materials used, and region among others.

The primary material for dental implants is titanium. However, manufacturers also use stainless steel and cobalt-chromium to produce dental implants.

Facts about Dental Implants

The practice of using dental implants has been in existence for over 30 years with much success. They form the strongest base upon which to attach replacement teeth. Over the years, refinement of the combination of dental implants and crowns makes it possible to wear teeth that function, look, and feel natural. The procedure of installing dental implants is very predictable and safe under the hands of experienced and trained dentists. Cost of dental implants is also now more affordable than ever as a wide range of materials is now available.

Since around 600AD, man explored dental implants. This was known to us after the discovery of a Mayan woman who had shell-like teeth hammered into her jaw.

Dental implants have been created in such a way that they stimulate bone growth and therefore the most natural option available that preserves natural bone.

The American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID) in 1951 established this professional organisation to share their knowledge in advanced implant dentistry with the rest of the world.

P.I. Branemark, a Swedish orthopaedic surgeon made a discovery in 1952 that the human bone and titanium naturally fused into each other.

In the United States, over 500, 000 people receive dental implants each year and with the total estimation of over 3 million people who are living with dental implants at any given time.

Installing a Dental Implant

Since cheap dental implants became common, the procedure has become fairly straight forward. However, it remains a surgical procedure under the strict guidance of professional dentistry bodies. During the surgical procedure, your dentist will create an incision in your gum in order to expose the bone. The dentist will then drill some holes to attach the dental implant deep into the bone using metal posts. Then, the dentist will place some kind of temporary or partial denture to fill in the gap as the bone grows. Osseointegration then takes place for several months bonding the dental implant into the bone. After the completion of osseointegration, your dentist will perform additional minor surgery to place the abutment. Your gum will need to heal for a week or two before the dentist attaches the artificial tooth. The dental implants cost varies with the kind of crown you will choose. You can opt for a permanent or removal set.

Is there any Pain Associated with Dental Implants?

Pain is one of the things people fear when undergoing surgery. Read this article to know how you can avoid dental pain.

When most patients consider dental implant, one of the greatest concerns they have is the pain apart from the dental implants cost.  Just like any other type of surgery, the word ‘pain’ is always associated with dental implants. This is because the patients are informed about the procedure involved — tooth extraction, cutting of the gums and stitching them together, making a hole in the jawbone, and putting the titanium screw into the jawbone of the patient. 

However, given that most dental implants treatments are carried out under anesthesia, it might not be painful. Once the procedure has been completed and the local anesthesia is no longer working, there will be a feeling of slight pain and in some cases discomfort. This is caused by the swelling and the tenderness which takes place around the place of the implant but it will slowly go away.

How Can You Reduce the Discomfort Associated with the Pain?

The dentist will always provide you with painkillers and some instructions to help reduce the pain. Apart from the instructions given, there are other ways of reducing the discomfort associated with the dental implant.

  • Place an ice pack near the area of the discomfort. It will prevent the swelling. Avoid holding it for too long as it can make you get frostbite.
  • Avoid taking solid and sticky foods until the pain disappears completely. When you are recovering, avoid putting pressure on the area of the implant.
  • Avoid physical activities which can lead to a blow on the area of the implant such as sporting activities.
  • Use salt and warm water to wash your mouth several times a day. It will lead to faster healing of the area and avoid any infections.
  • Use a soft toothbrush and make sure you carry out your oral hygiene during this time to avoid further infections.

The above steps will help you reduce the pain and discomfort after the dental implants procedure.

Some Possible Complications with the Dental Implant

There are some rare cases where the dental implant will fail to function as expected. If something of that kind happens, you will often feel a certain form of discomfort, irritation or in some cases infection. Here are other complications:

  • The occurrence of a loose implant due to high external forces and a lower density of the bone. If you experience this, you will have to repeat the procedure, of course, know about the cost of dental implants before proceeding.
  • An infection of the gums of the surgical bones and this can often be treated with the antibiotics as prescribed by the chemist.
  • The implant can be rejected by the body. It can be resolved by looking for alternative options.
  • Damage of the nerves or the tissue when the site of the implant has not been drilled properly. If possible, the procedure can be carried out once again.

The general aspect you are supposed to know about the dental implants is that the swelling should be gone after five days. If it does not happen, then make sure you contact the dentist. If you need an implant, you can inquire about the dental implants cost and carry it out to have a new smile on your face.

Importance of a Sinus Lift before Carrying Out a Dental Implant

Dental implants are a popular and reliable way of replacing lost teeth and here’s why. 

The tooth implants will take place of the natural teeth giving you a good look and it takes up the functionality of your natural teeth. Since the dental implant is carried out by lodging it into the jawbone of the mouth of the patient, it is secure and durable as compared to the other forms of teeth replacement.

For the dental implant to be carried out successfully, there are a number of factors which need to be considered. The jawbone must be strong to support the height and weight or the overall density of the implant. If it happens that the jawbone is not strong enough to support the implant, there will be future complications.

When carrying out a consultation on dental implants price, it is important to make sure that the jawbone has remained strong. A sinus lift can be carried out for the patients who have a big sinus cavity to help them receive the dental implant.

When Do You Need Sinus Lift?

There are several reasons that may require or necessitate the use of a sinus lift as mentioned below:

  1. When the sinus is bigger than normal which means that there will be no enough bone between the sinus cavity and the upper jaw of the mouth.
  2. When the density of the bone is not strong enough to offer support to the dental implants being carried out which in most cases leads to the loss of bones after the loss of teeth.

In either of the above cases, carrying out a dental implant without a sinus lift will often lead to a lot of health complications. For instance, the dental implant carried out can go through the jawbone and get into the sinus cavity. If that happens, the implant will become loose or in extreme cases, it can lead to the infection of the sinus.

How is the Sinus Lift Performed?

The surgeon begins by removing the gum tissues from the molar or the premolar where the dental implant will be carried out. The jawbone will be cut out carefully to expose the sinus membrane. Once they have carried out this, they will push the sinus membrane to the upper side to create a void. This void will be created between the sinus cavity and also the upper jawbone.

In most cases, the size of the void will depend on the bone structure. Once the void has been created the surgeon will then place something that looks like a bone into the void. The gum tissues will then be stitched together to allow your bone to heal well and it can take from 4-9 months.

What are the Risks?

Just like any other type of surgery, there are risks associated with a sinus lift. The main risk is that the sinus membrane will be will become torn and if it is not well taken care of, it can lead to an infection.

Dental implants have become a common way of replacing one’s teeth. Procedures such as the sinus lift can now help people to receive a dental implant.

Why Do People Prefer Dental Implant Than Traditional Bridges?

Losing a tooth can be a very traumatic experience, both financially and emotionally. In today’s world, people consider dental implant than other traditional bridges to replace it lost. If you have lost your teeth and thinking to replace it, consider dental implant option! Wondering why? Here are the reasons!

People Prefer Dental Implant Because…

Having Dental Implant Treatment than Traditional Bridges Improves Jawbone Strength!

Dental implants will keep your jawbone strong. This is because, the dental implant don’t rely on support from adjacent teeth.

Not Only Improves Your Oral Health But Also Your Overall Health!

Unlike dental bridges, dental implants do not increase tooth decay, sensitivity or cause health issues like poor air breathing problem. But, the dental implant seamlessly integrates into your jawbone, so that it will be better than your natural teeth.

Having Dental Implant Will Give a Natural, Beautiful Appearance That You Deserve!

The dental implant looks and feels like a natural tooth, and crowns can be made with all-ceramic materials. So, it will give the look that you deserve.

Dental Implant Have High Rate Of Success!

Tooth implants provide a strong foundation for fixed or removable replacement teeth that are made to match your natural teeth. As a result, dental implants enjoy a success rate of between 95 and 98 percent.

You Will Have Long Lasting Implant Teeth That Your Natural Teeth Can’t Be!

Most patients who follow a regular oral hygiene regimen will expect their implants to last a lifetime.

Big Reason Why You Consider Dental Implant than Traditional Bridges?

One of the biggest reasons of dental implants is, high-quality dental implant should be expected to last a lifetime. They place less of a burden on the surrounding teeth and promote healing of bone structures and gums under the teeth. They also tend to reduce long-term risks posed to the jaw.

What Is Involved in Getting a Dental Implant?

The first step in the dental implant process is the development of an individualized treatment plan. The dentist will suggest a treatment plan based on the implant option that is best for you and discuss the dental implants cost.

Next, during the procedure, the tooth root implant, which made of titanium, is placed into the bone socket of the missing tooth. The healing process will take from 2 to 4 months.

Then, your dentist will make the new tooth, which match the color of the new teeth to your natural teeth, with the help of impressions of your teeth, and creates a model of your bite. Such replacement tooth, which is called a crown, is then attached to the abutment.


Dental implants require the same care as real teeth, including rinsing, flossing, and brushing, with an antibacterial mouthwash, and the toothpaste, which your dentist recommend. So, what are you waiting for? Why not take the advantage of dental implant! Get in touch with your dentist to gift yourself a beautiful smile.

How Do Dental Implants Work? Know The Step-By-Step Procedure!

dental implants
“Simply Enjoy Life And The Great Pleasures That Come With It”!
Nowadays, dentistry offers numerous techniques to replace your missing teeth. Of those, Dental implants are the most popular ones, what makes them special? Dental implants are durable, and they look natural. They bond easily with your existing oral structures to become a functioning part of your body. Experts who offer high-quality Dental implants in Melbourne explain the step-by-step process of the dental implanting procedure!

What Are The Major Parts Of Dental Implants?

Dental implants in Melbourne are the best alternative for your missing teeth. The three major parts are as follows:

  • Crown: This is usually made of ceramic material which is designed to appear like your natural tooth.
  • Abutment: It’s also known as “connector” which bonds the crown of the implant to its base.
  • Base: It’s the bottom of the implant and the portion which is physically rooted below the gum line, fusing with the jawbone to form a permanent part of your smile. It’s made of titanium with a screw-shaped design structure to provide a safe and steady base.

What Are All The Steps Involved In The Implanting Technique?

  • Implant surgery is usually done under local anaesthesia. A sedative can also be directed by the physician to ease the surgery.
  • Dentist initiates by exposing the jawbone by making an incision in the gum line where the dental implant needs to be placed.
  • The Dental surgeon then prepares a small hole in the jaw bone to make sure not to affect the nearby nerves.
  • Then, the dental implant is placed. After this, the jawbone is left to fuse with the implant for a certain period. This typically varies from three to six months. During this period, the implant gets attached to the gums.
  • Once your surgeon has confirmed that this process is complete, an abutment is placed on the dental implant. When the healing process is complete, dental crown gets placed.

Removable dentures may slip out of their position which makes difficulty in eating and speaking whereas a Tooth implant is surgically implanted into the jaw where it bonds with the bone tissue. This means that there’s no risk of slippage and patients can chew, and speak without trouble.

How Could Dental Implants Prevent Premature Aging?

Facial sagging which is the main cause for the premature aging is the effect of bone loss. This is because; the lower side of the face begin to collapse which gradually closes the gap between the tip of the nose and the chin. This can cause excess wrinkles around the mouth and lips, making the person appear older than his/her actual age. Tooth implants in Melbourne help prevent these issues and make you look younger.

The reasonable Dental implants cost in Melbourne helps you chew your favourite food like a kid again!