Is there any Pain Associated with Dental Implants?

Pain is one of the things people fear when undergoing surgery. Read this article to know how you can avoid dental pain.

When most patients consider dental implant, one of the greatest concerns they have is the pain apart from the dental implants cost.  Just like any other type of surgery, the word ‘pain’ is always associated with dental implants. This is because the patients are informed about the procedure involved — tooth extraction, cutting of the gums and stitching them together, making a hole in the jawbone, and putting the titanium screw into the jawbone of the patient. 

However, given that most dental implants treatments are carried out under anesthesia, it might not be painful. Once the procedure has been completed and the local anesthesia is no longer working, there will be a feeling of slight pain and in some cases discomfort. This is caused by the swelling and the tenderness which takes place around the place of the implant but it will slowly go away.

How Can You Reduce the Discomfort Associated with the Pain?

The dentist will always provide you with painkillers and some instructions to help reduce the pain. Apart from the instructions given, there are other ways of reducing the discomfort associated with the dental implant.

  • Place an ice pack near the area of the discomfort. It will prevent the swelling. Avoid holding it for too long as it can make you get frostbite.
  • Avoid taking solid and sticky foods until the pain disappears completely. When you are recovering, avoid putting pressure on the area of the implant.
  • Avoid physical activities which can lead to a blow on the area of the implant such as sporting activities.
  • Use salt and warm water to wash your mouth several times a day. It will lead to faster healing of the area and avoid any infections.
  • Use a soft toothbrush and make sure you carry out your oral hygiene during this time to avoid further infections.

The above steps will help you reduce the pain and discomfort after the dental implants procedure.

Some Possible Complications with the Dental Implant

There are some rare cases where the dental implant will fail to function as expected. If something of that kind happens, you will often feel a certain form of discomfort, irritation or in some cases infection. Here are other complications:

  • The occurrence of a loose implant due to high external forces and a lower density of the bone. If you experience this, you will have to repeat the procedure, of course, know about the cost of dental implants before proceeding.
  • An infection of the gums of the surgical bones and this can often be treated with the antibiotics as prescribed by the chemist.
  • The implant can be rejected by the body. It can be resolved by looking for alternative options.
  • Damage of the nerves or the tissue when the site of the implant has not been drilled properly. If possible, the procedure can be carried out once again.

The general aspect you are supposed to know about the dental implants is that the swelling should be gone after five days. If it does not happen, then make sure you contact the dentist. If you need an implant, you can inquire about the dental implants cost and carry it out to have a new smile on your face.