Here Are A Few Good Reasons to Choose Dental Implants

So you are struggling with missing teeth that haven’t been replaced for a long time. Well, you aren’t alone. Tooth loss has more serious consequences than you would imagine. Missing teeth isn’t only detrimental to your aesthetic appearance but also your dental health. That’s why dentists recommend not to ignore missing teeth and recommend replacing them as early as possible.

When it comes to teeth replacement, dental implants are considered as the state-of-art option. But, it’s the cost of dental implants Melbourne keeps people hindering people from getting this treatment. Dental implants have revolutionised the dentistry, and there’s no better option. The cost of dental implants are high for good reasons. Take a look at the reasons why you need to opt for Cheap dental implants over other options:-

Natural Solution

Your natural teeth have roots that help to hold the teeth in place and support the jawbone. Similarly, implant teeth act like root of the new prosthetic tooth. In fact, the dental implant is the only teeth replacement option that replaces both root and crown part of missing teeth. This is because dental implants are made of titanium and allowed to fuse with the jawbone naturally through a process called oseointegration to form a sturdy foundation to hold the replacement teeth. Once you receive dental implants, it look, function, and feel like natural teeth. That’s the magic of dental implants.


Since dental implants are fused with the jawbone, they last for a long time with proper maintenance. They don’t get decayed or infected over time. In fact, affordable dental implants Melbourne provide a permanent solution to tooth loss. However, it’s essential to take care of your dental implants like you would to natural teeth.

Preserve Bone

Dentures can literally deteriorate jawbone as they are fixed with the support of jawbones. Not to mention that the bone loss inevitably follows after tooth loss. Bone is a living tissue that needs constant stimulation to rebuild and stay healthy.  With the jawbone, the stimulation comes from the teeth. When bone starts to deteriorate, it can give your face a prematurely aged appearance, leaving your jaw prone to fractures if left untreated. Dental implants can preserve the jawbone as the bone is stimulated.

As you see, dental implants are priced highly for these good reasons. So, don’t hesitate to replace your missing teeth with affordable dental implants Melbourne. Please get in touch with us for further queries.

How Can Missing Teeth Harm Your Dental Health?

Should I replace my missing teeth? What can happen if I don’t? These are the questions we are being asked frequently by our patients who walk into our clinic for a consultation. If you are one among them wondering whether or not to replace your missing teeth, this blog has got the answers you are looking for your problems.

See, apart from unsightly and embarrassing, missing teeth can cause serious complications far more than a self-conscious smile. Whether you have lost your teeth due to an injury and gum disease or dental decay and poor oral hygiene, it’s imperative to replace the missing teeth as early as possible. The consequences of missing teeth are more serious than you imagine.

So, How Missing Teeth Affect Your Dental Health?

Bone loss

Your body relies on the health of your bones, so do your teeth. Having strong and healthy bones are crucial for supporting teeth and gums. Whenever you chew, it helps stimulate and support the jawbone, just like exercise would help maintain the muscle. So, you probably could imagine what could possibly happen when there is a missing tooth. Missing tooth can cause bone loss as there is no more stimulation from the tooth. Over time, the void space will lead to the bone deterioration in that particular place. As result, it could weaken the surrounding teeth, impacting your oral health.

Increase the Risk of Losing More Teeth

As said above, a void space can weaken the other teeth. Moreover, other teeth try to move into the void space left by the missing tooth, leading to teeth shifting and crowding. When this happens, cleaning becomes challenging and the chances of developing gum infection and dental decay are high. According to a recent study, when a lost tooth isn’t replaced, it increases the risk of losing more teeth by 30%.

Gum Disease

Missing teeth can promote gum disease. The space left by lost tooth becomes an accessible gateway for bacteria to enter your gums, causing gum infection, inflammation, and bleeding.

What Are My Options To Replace Missing Teeth?

There are several options to replace teeth. Of all those, dental implants are the best choice as they are permanent solution for your missing tooth. Dental implants are screw shaped structure made of titanium. They are anchored into your jawbone and allowed to fuse with the jawbone naturally through a process called osseointegration to form a sturdy foundation to hold the replacement teeth in place. Finally, you will receive the replacement tooth. Dental implants Melbourne prices are expensive than other teeth replacement options as they provide a plethora of benefits.

If you couldn’t afford for dental implants Melbourne cost, you could opt for our payment plants which are available at less or no interest at all. See, when it comes to dental health, Dental implant price shouldn’t be a major concern as they are priced high for several good reasons. For more details about our dental implants Melbourne prices, please get in touch with us. We would be happy to assist you with any queries and concerns.

FAQs on Dental Implants!

Losing your teeth at the age of 6 is an exciting experience as we await for the new set of teeth. However, when you miss even one tooth in adulthood, it is disheartening and scary. No one wants to live their life with missing teeth. Hence throughout human history, people found different ways to replace them.

Modern age dental implants are fairly a new way of replacing the missing or damaged tooth. It can undoubtedly the best method yet found to replace a tooth. The implants help fix all sort of dental imperfections. They look like other natural teeth. And despite all the advantages, Dental Implants cost Melbourne is much affordable.

Though you have decided to get a dental implant, you will still have a bunch of questions about implants. So here in this blog, we have given answers for a few common questions.

Is Dental Implants placement a painful procedure?

Not at all! The dental implant procedure is painless. To be specific, you would feel a slight sensation while the implant is placed. That’s because you will be administered anaesthesia to numb the area. Besides, when the titanium implant is placed into the jawbone by a surgical procedure, your dentist will ensure optimal patient comfort.

Even after the Dental Implants Melbourne procedure, there will be no pain but small discomfort. This can, however, be managed with some medications prescribed after the procedure. The dentist will also prescribe some antibiotics to ensure a smooth healing phase.

Are Dental Implants as Strong as permanent Teeth?

Of course, yes! It is also safe to say that the implants are stronger than your natural teeth. Cheap dental implants Melbourne offer the full functionality of a missing tooth as they replace a tooth from its root. The implants look and perform like the permanent teeth. The post made of Titanium placed to the gum fuses with the bone with time. This makes them incredibly stable.

How much does Dental Implant Cost?

Dental Implants cost Melbourne are affordable. The cost of implant might vary with the number, the type of implant, and location of the teeth to be replaced. Also, in some case, people will need additional procedures like bone grafting before placing implants.

Is Dental Implant right for me?

If you are looking for a full bright smile with a perfect replacement tooth that looks natural, dental implants are your go to. Anyone who had missed their tooth or multiple teeth should consider getting dental implants compared to other alternatives. But there are some limitations to getting implants. For instance, patients whose jaw bone has deteriorated may not be a good candidate for implants unless they are treated for the prevailing condition.

Only the dentist can find out whether Dental Implants Melbourne is right for you. Visit your dentist now, and definitely, you will return from the clinic with a happy smile!

Is Dental Implants Necessary After Extraction?

Dentures and bridges have been long considered as the best options to replace a missing tooth. But, after the invasion of dental implants, it has become the premier choice for the patients and the dentists due to its innumerable benefits. Here we have listed out a few benefits that describes the benefits and the need for Dental Implants Melbourne after a tooth extraction –

Avoids Loss of Bones

If you have missed one or a few of your teeth due to any accidents or infections, there are many chances that your bone will start to shrink, due to the gaps in the teeth. If you haven’t replaced it with cheap dental implants Melbourne, the jawline will weaken resulting in bone loss. This could also cause other oral health complications. The dental implants look and function like the natural teeth. Once when you have your Dental Implants Melbourne fixed, it fuses with the jaw bones, strengthening your bite. This ultimately conserves your jaw bones and the other surrounding tissues.

Looks and Functions Like Natural Tooth

Unlike the dentures and bridges, dental implants can match the looks of the existing natural teeth. Meanwhile, they also excel in their function of biting and chewing. Since the screw or the titanium post is deeply rooted in the jawbone, it makes it to work like a natural tooth root. No other tooth restoration procedure can perform the same way as that of the implants, when considering the functionality.

Long-Term Solution

The cost of dental implants is a little more when compared with that of the dentures and bridges. But when you compare the durability with the other teeth restorative options, implants can last really longer, for decades. The reason being, the titanium post gets deep rooted which creates the jawbone to be really strong and fuses with it as days pass by. This can withstand any daily force during the eating process, and with proper care, it can even last a lifetime.

Fixes Your Bite

When you lose a tooth, it can have a great impact on the way you eat, making it difficult to bite or chew certain foods. This will also gradually affect your speech patterns, making it hard to pronounce words correctly. It doesn’t end here, the rest of the teeth are also at the risk of falling out fast overtime. Dental Implants can perform like a new tooth, instead of the tooth you have lost. Since it works like natural teeth, your mouth will treat it like a natural tooth and grow tissues around it, making it fit precisely on the jaw.

Are you looking to know more about dental implants or Dental Implants cost Melbourne? Get in touch with an expert in Dental Implants Melbourne!

Factors Affecting The Success Rate Of Dental Implants

Dental implants procedure is one of the most preferred and successful dental procedures. It helps you to improve your self-confidence and help you to have normal speech and eat all your favourite foods. Even though dental implants procedure has the success rate of 98 precent, there are a few factors that affect the dental implants Melbourne and leads to dental implants failure. Here we have mentioned a few factors that affect the success of dental implants.

Poor Dental Maintenance

One of the factors that affect the success rate of dental implants procedure is the inability to practice good oral hygiene after a dental implant. If you have limitations that affect your range of motion or interfere with the ability to thoroughly clean your teeth, then you are not an appropriate candidate for a tooth implants Melbourne.

Medical Conditions

Dental implant failure is a possibility if you’re diagnosed with an autoimmune disease or conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes, which causes the body to heal at a slower pace. Slow healing can prevent osseointegration, where the implant fuses or integrates with your jaw bone.

Insufficient Jaw Bone

Without enough healthy bone, the surgeon cannot surgically place the implant into your jaw. A successful procedure is also dependent on sufficient bone to support the implant. Bone loss can happen with osteoporosis. This condition develops when bone density decreases. Bones become fragile and there’s the increased risk of fractures. Severe gum disease can also cause deterioration of bones in the mouth.


One of the main reasons for dental implant failure is smoking. Smoking restricts the blood flow to the gum and slows down the healing process. According to studies, the smokers can have a dental implant failure rate up to 20 precent. You may have a better outcome if you stop smoking one week prior to a dental implant and if you don’t smoke for at least two months after implant placement.

Gum Disease

Gum disease is an infection that can damage the gums and jaw bone. An untreated infection could develop around the implant and lead to failure. Healthy gums are criteria for dental implant surgery, and you can’t have this procedure with active gum disease. See a dentist to treat gum disease before getting an implant.
To overcome the factors affecting the dental implants Melbourne, you need to maintain your oral health in good condition. You need to take care of your dental implants similar to your natural tooth. You need to brush and floss your teeth twice a day. Also, you need to visit your dentist regularly to check the condition of your implants, so that the simpler issues can be rectified at the early stage which in turn reduces the dental implants price Melbourne. This may help you to overcome the dental implant failure.

Dental Implants – Things To Know!

Are you missing one or more teeth? Wondering what to do? Dental Implants treatment will be the better choice for you. It is one of the tooth replacement options preferred by most patients and dentist. It looks and acts similar to your natural tooth. So you no need to worry whether it will slips while speaking, laughing or eating your favourite food, as like the patients having dentures. Some people avoid undergoing this procedure due to the cost of dental implants in Melbourne. But, nowadays, most dentist offer affordable dental implants treatment to their patients.

Dental Implant – Components

Implant – It is the screw-shaped metal which is placed into your jawbone and allowed to fuse with your jawbone. It may take three to six month to fuse with the jawbone based on your dental health.
Abutment – The abutment is the part of the implant lying above and at the gum line. It supports and secures a crown, bridge, a denture, or any type of dental work that is placed upon it.
Crown – It is the dental prosthesis that sits on top of the abutment and operates similar to your natural tooth. It may be snapped or clipped or screwed or cemented.
Reasons Why Dental Implant Is The Right Option

Improves Self-Confidence

In addition to dental health, dental implants Melbourne also provide you more self-confidence. Due to missing teeth, most patients feel bad about their appearance. To overcome that, you can undergo dental implants treatment. It helps you to improve your appearance and increases your self-confidence. It helps to improve your speech as unlike dentures, the dental implants won’t slip from your mouth.

Chew Food Without Any Worry

One of the main reasons to consider dental implants treatment is that it allows chewing your foods properly. Chewing food the right way helps you to digest food better. The better food is digested, the better nutrients are absorbed into your body. With dental implants, you can chew your foods the same way when you had your own teeth. With dental implants, you can enjoy all your favourite foods. For these reasons the dental implants cost in Melbourne is worth the penny you spend.

Prevents Teeth Shifting

You may experience bone loss as a result of missing your tooth. Due to the oral pressure and normal stress, your teeth next to the gap may start to shift. As a result, your healthy teeth begin to slant and become unstable. This may lead to further bone loss and losing more teeth. With the help of dental implants procedure, you can prevent this issue.
If you are wondering about dental implants cost in Melbourne, you can contact Dental Implant Professionals in Melbourne, VIC. We provide utmost dental care to our patients.

Is Dental Implants Safe For Older Adults?

Many people consider age as the prime factor for receiving implants. But, in reality, aging is not a matter at all. Yes, dental implants have no upper age limit as long as a person is healthy and has enough jawbones to support the implants. An 80 years old person with good health condition could be more suitable for receiving implants than 40 years old who is a chain smoker or have uncontrolled diabetes. If you are above 60 and looking for a long-term solution, there is no better alternative for replacing your missing teeth than dental implants in Melbourne. In fact, it is worth investing in the dental implants cost, and it can change your quality of life.

Missing Teeth – How it affects senior’s oral health?

While dental implants are the superior solution for missing teeth, many seniors think as it is more of a luxury than a necessity. But, missing teeth can affect not only their dental health but also their general health.

Jaw Bone Recession

Teeth support and stimulate the jawbone. Without teeth, the jaw has nothing to support, and it begins to recede over time. However, the recession will not affect the entire bone but impacts the bone around missing teeth.
Teeth Shifting

The other surrounding teeth will start to shift into the space left by the lost tooth. Teeth shifting leads to misalignment in the teeth structure and make cleaning the teeth difficult. When it is not cleaned, bacteria can thrive and leads to dental decay.

Loss of nutrients

If you are missing one or more teeth, chewing becomes difficult and you may avoid hard foods and stick to soft food items. If you are wearing dentures, you know how harder it is to eat because dentures can become loose and uncomfortable. Some might even lose interest in eating altogether. Vital nutrients are necessary to maintain your overall health.

By replacing your missing teeth with dental implants, you can avoid these issues and lead a quality life during the golden period.

Social life

Seniors also have a social life, and it is essential to lead a quality life. Older adults would also like to go out, meet people, make new friends, and enjoy. But, missing teeth can affect their social life as they would be embarrassed by their smile and the gap in between their teeth.

Nobody can determine the years ahead for them. But, it is crucial enjoying the remaining days with good dental and overall health. Dental implants will help the seniors to enjoy the years ahead of them. When it comes to your dental health, cost of dental implants should never be your concern. Teeth implants will help to keep your jawbone healthy, restore your smile, enhance your overall health, and allow chewing foods thoroughly, which is much needed for proper digestion, especially when you age.

Are you interested in replacing your missing teeth with dental implants? Dental Implant Professionals offers high-quality dental implants at an affordable price.

Importance of a Sinus Lift before Carrying Out a Dental Implant

Dental implants are a popular and reliable way of replacing lost teeth and here’s why. 

The tooth implants will take place of the natural teeth giving you a good look and it takes up the functionality of your natural teeth. Since the dental implant is carried out by lodging it into the jawbone of the mouth of the patient, it is secure and durable as compared to the other forms of teeth replacement.

For the dental implant to be carried out successfully, there are a number of factors which need to be considered. The jawbone must be strong to support the height and weight or the overall density of the implant. If it happens that the jawbone is not strong enough to support the implant, there will be future complications.

When carrying out a consultation on dental implants price, it is important to make sure that the jawbone has remained strong. A sinus lift can be carried out for the patients who have a big sinus cavity to help them receive the dental implant.

When Do You Need Sinus Lift?

There are several reasons that may require or necessitate the use of a sinus lift as mentioned below:

  1. When the sinus is bigger than normal which means that there will be no enough bone between the sinus cavity and the upper jaw of the mouth.
  2. When the density of the bone is not strong enough to offer support to the dental implants being carried out which in most cases leads to the loss of bones after the loss of teeth.

In either of the above cases, carrying out a dental implant without a sinus lift will often lead to a lot of health complications. For instance, the dental implant carried out can go through the jawbone and get into the sinus cavity. If that happens, the implant will become loose or in extreme cases, it can lead to the infection of the sinus.

How is the Sinus Lift Performed?

The surgeon begins by removing the gum tissues from the molar or the premolar where the dental implant will be carried out. The jawbone will be cut out carefully to expose the sinus membrane. Once they have carried out this, they will push the sinus membrane to the upper side to create a void. This void will be created between the sinus cavity and also the upper jawbone.

In most cases, the size of the void will depend on the bone structure. Once the void has been created the surgeon will then place something that looks like a bone into the void. The gum tissues will then be stitched together to allow your bone to heal well and it can take from 4-9 months.

What are the Risks?

Just like any other type of surgery, there are risks associated with a sinus lift. The main risk is that the sinus membrane will be will become torn and if it is not well taken care of, it can lead to an infection.

Dental implants have become a common way of replacing one’s teeth. Procedures such as the sinus lift can now help people to receive a dental implant.

Things You Need To Know About Dental Implant in Melbourne

Dental implant is a procedure, which replaces your tooth roots using fixture, abutment & prosthesis to restore your missing tooth with the artificial teeth. Such teeth will function and looks like your real one. Dental implant surgery will be performed depending on the type of implant you need and the health condition of your jawbone. The main benefit of having dental implants in Melbourne is, they give substantial support to your new teeth and save you from bone loss. Here in this article, let’s discuss about dental implant:

Purpose of Dental Implant

The purpose of dental implant surgery, are

  • To Avoid Missing or damaged teeth
  • Facilitate Jawbone to reach full growth
  • To have healthy oral tissues
  • Alternative to wear dentures
  • Improve your appearance and speech

How to get prepared

Before dental implant surgery, it’s must to be prepared for the process, which includes

  1. Comprehensive dental exam
  2. Treatment plan

Comprehensive Dental Exam

  • The first thing you may have to do is dental X-rays. This helps to identify, how deeply your roots and teeth are affected.
  • The models are made of your teeth and mouth.

Treatment Plan

  • According to the condition of your jawbone and number of implants, the plan of the treatment will be discussed. Especially, they will discuss the cost of the dental implant.

Before you start the procedure, tell about the medical conditions of your teeth to the dentist. If you are allergic to anything or have any heart problem, don’t forget to mention it. They will take extra care of you during the procedure and avoid the things that are allergic to you. Also, ask the list of foods and drinks that you have to eat before and after your surgery.

After discussing about the dental implant in Melbourne, the dentist will take the impression of the teeth that you need to replace.

The procedure of Dental Implant in Steps:

Step1: Tooth extraction

The dentist will inject anaesthesia on the surrounding area of the tooth, after which the tooth will be extracted and new implant will be placed. After that, the dentist will extract the damaged tooth from your mouth.

Step2: Implant

Once the tooth is extracted, your dentist will insert the implant by drilling hole in your jawbone. This artificial root is fixed to support the new teeth.

Step3: Abutment Placement

After your jawbone heals, it will fit tightly with the dental implant and start to function like an original tooth. But the thing is, it takes weeks to recover completely. Once the implant is stable, an abutment is fixed over the implant.

Step4: Permanent Crown

At last, the crown is attached over the abutment, which resembles and function like an original tooth. You’re done!

Wrapping Up

Do more research and find the right dentist who is specialised in tooth implants in Melbourne. Their dental implant surgery will leave you with a fine looking and functional tooth.

Tips To Cover the Cost of Dental Implants in Melbourne

Dental implants have become the most popular treatment in today’s world among the people who need to give a permanent solution for dental problems. The good news is the cost of dental implants in Melbourne is less compared to what was in 2017, but in some parts of the country, the cost of the dental implant can be relatively expensive. Here are some strategies in this blog that can help to cover the costs of your implant treatments.

Variety of methods which helps you in paying less for the dental implants

  • Get a dental insurance plan
  • Use financing methods like care credit
  • Negotiate with dental providers

Get a Dental Insurance Plan

Get a dental insurance plan with coverage for your dental implants. The first thing you have to consider paying for your dental implant is the dental insurance plan. Applying dental insurance plan for your dental implant is the first piece of the puzzle, because it can reduce your cost of service you spend for your dental implant. It helps to feel the full benefits of the dental implant without any stress. Research says, above 30% money will get reduced than the normal retail rates by implementing dental insurance plan.

So, to get the affordable dental implants in Melbourne, choose the one, who accept dental insurance plan.

Use Financing Methods like Care Credit

Another great way to lessen the cost of dental implants in Melbourne is using the financing methods like care credit for your dental implant treatments. After applying the right dental insurance plan, you can control your expenses for your dental treatment and the medical services. It acts as the best financing solution, to borrow money like normal credit cards. So, it’s another best idea to finance the entire amount and reduce the flow of money from your pocket.

Negotiate with dental providers

Negotiate with dental providers to diminish the dental implants cost in Melbourne directly. Talk with dentists before you book an appointment for your treatment. Some experienced dentists will work with the patient and give flexible options to them, so don’t shy or fear to ask them.

Bottom Line

Hope these tips will help to cover the cost of your dental implant surgery. The only thing you have to do is “proper research”; such dentist will give you long-lasting dental health and a healthy smile at affordable prices.