Are You A Good Candidate For Receiving Dental Implants?

You have heard about dental implants, but are unsure if you’re a good candidate and bothered about the dental implants cost Melbourne? Well, when it comes to your dental health, dental implants Melbourne cost shouldn’t be a major concern. There are dental practices that offer dental implant at affordable price with flexible payment plans.

What you should be concerned about is whether you’re a suitable candidate to receive dental implants or not. However, don’t worry. You’re in the right place! Keep reading to learn more about dental implants and whether or not you’re a good candidate for receiving them.

Anyone with an Existing Single Tooth Gap

In most cases, if you have an existing single tooth gap and would like to replace it with something that looks and feels just like your other teeth, then you are probably a great candidate. Be sure to consult with your dentist about what would be best for your case. If you are missing multiple teeth in one area of your mouth, or if your jawbone has been compromised due to injury or disease, then you may not be a good candidate for dental implants.

Anyone with Bone Loss Due To Prior Extractions

Tooth loss can be detrimental to your oral health, but it’s not life-threatening. If you have enough bone left in your jaw, though, there are many types of medical procedures that can help you regain your smile and one of which being dental implants. Dental implants use titanium posts to replace real teeth and fuse with the jawbone over time. These artificial teeth offer several advantages over dentures and other types of restorations, including longer wear time and increased comfort and stability.

Anyone with Cracked or Broken Teeth

Tooth decay and tooth fracture can occur in anyone, but those with poor oral health, who smoke or drink too much, who have gum disease and those with heart conditions are particularly vulnerable. Dental implants Melbourne are often used to replace one or several teeth, since a single implant can anchor several prosthetic teeth. If you’re considering getting your missing teeth replaced by dental implants, ask your dentist about getting X-rays of your mouth to make sure you’re healthy enough for surgery.

Anyone without Natural Teeth

Dental implants are designed to replace missing teeth, not healthy ones. If you’re missing at least one tooth, then you’re likely a good candidate for implants. If you have any other health conditions that affect your oral or overall health (diabetes, autoimmune disorders), then discuss them with your dentist before proceeding. They may have concerns about how certain medications or conditions may affect healing or complication risks.

For further queries whether you’re suitable for receiving dental implants or dental implants cost Melbourne, please call or schedule an appointment with our dentist.

Can Bone Grafting Help Me Get Dental Implants?

Tooth implant Melbourne are one of the best ways to replace missing teeth, and they have advanced considerably over the years since they were first introduced. One important advancement in Tooth implant Melbourne has been the use of bone grafting to promote new bone growth and support the placement of dental implants where they can thrive into the future. This guide will help you learn more about how bone grafting works and what it can do to help you receive dental implants in your mouth.

What Is A Bone Graft?

A bone graft is a surgical procedure used to fill in an area where bone has been lost or damaged. The procedure can also be used to enhance jaw growth and encourage bone production in areas that are deficient. A bone graft is performed by taking tissue from one area of your body and implanting it your mouth. Over time, as your body heals, new cells will fill in any gaps left by missing tissues; however, because of its complexity, healing times are prolonged.

Does My Jaw Need A Bone Graft Before I Get Dental Implants?

Not necessarily. Not all patients require to undergo bone grafting procedure. If you the bone graft refers to a procedure in which healthy bone is taken from one part of your body and then transplanted into another. Before you can receive dental implants, your jaw will need to be restored with a bone graft if it is not solid enough to support an implant. A bone graft is typically done after someone loses teeth or has oral surgery that removes some of their jawbone. The cost of bone grafting price will be added to the total Dental implant price Melbourne.

What Happens During A Bone Graft Procedure?

During a bone graft, your dentist will take healthy bone tissue from one part of your mouth and graft it to another area of your mouth where it’s needed. You may have heard of a procedure known as sinus lift, in which a hole is drilled into one or both sinuses in order to make room for dental implants. This procedure often requires a bone graft if you don’t have enough bone on either side of your upper or lower jawbone. Please be aware that the cost of dental implants Melbourne greatly depends on several factors, and additional procedures like bone grafting is one of them.

To get dental implants, you’ll need to have bone grafts taken from your body and placed in your jaw, making it a stronger foundation for those new teeth. Once your bone has been grafted, you’ll get temporary teeth placed on top of that bone while it heals and begins to harden. Once your grafted bone is solid, you can then receive your permanent dental implants without any worry about collapse or other problems.

Am I A Good Candidate For Receiving Dental Implants? Here’s What You Need to Know

Dental implants Melbourne are one of the most popular ways to replace missing teeth, but not everyone who wants them can get them. Not only does your dental health affect whether you’re eligible for dental implants, but so do several other factors including medical history, lifestyle choices and other factors. If you want to know whether you are eligible for receiving dental implants, it’s helpful to learn about the factors that influence these chances.

Pre-Existing Oral Problems

If you already have dental problems, particularly with your jawbone or gums, you may be at a disadvantage when it comes to receiving dental implants. Because healthy bone is crucial for implant support, pre-existing oral issues (such as gum disease) may make it more difficult to create a successful dental implant surgery.

Oral Hygiene Routine

A big factor in determining whether dental implants are right for you is your hygiene routine. There are so many ways that a poor oral hygiene routine can jeopardise your chances of receiving dental implants, including: The build-up of plaque and tartar, which causes gum disease; increasing risk for gingivitis; and increasing risk for periodontal disease.

If you don’t brush and floss regularly, then it can be difficult to get dental implants. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t receive dental implants. If you follow a good oral care routine, you can replace your missing teeth with dental implants and smile confidently.

Bone Density

Bone density is essential to implant success, as every dental implant procedure requires creating a socket or pocket in which to place a replacement tooth. If your bone isn’t dense enough, it could cause problems such as infections or failing implants. Fortunately, bone grafting procedure can help reconstruct your bone and prepare for receiving implants. The bone grafting procedure will be added to the final dental implants cost Melbourne.

Smoking History

Smoking is a leading cause of periodontal disease and may make you less likely to be a candidate for dental implants. So, quitting smoking is one step toward being accepted as a candidate for implants. Likewise, certain medical conditions like diabetes increase your chances of developing gum disease or other oral health problems, which could impact your chances of receiving dental implants. Dental implants Melbourne cost is affordable, and if you could get your diabetic under control and quit smoking, it’s likely that you can receive implants.

Extent of Jawbone Structure Damage

The amount of jawbone damage affects your chances of receiving dental implants. If only a small portion is missing, then you may have enough bone structure to place implants. But if a large portion has been damaged, such as in cases where cancer was treated with radiation therapy, it’s unlikely that you will be a good candidate for dental implants.

While these factors affect the chances of receiving dental implants, your dentist is the right person to determine whether you’re a good candidate for receiving dental implants or not. For further queries on dental implants cost Melbourne, please get in touch with our team.

Things You Should Know Before Receiving Dental Implants

If you’re missing teeth or have poorly aligned or damaged teeth, tooth implant Melbourne may be the ideal solution to your dental health needs. However, there are some important facts you should know before receiving dental implants, Read on to learn more about each of these important points and how they can help you make an informed decision about whether or not dental implants are right for you!

When Will I Get My New Tooth?

Dentists typically place implants over a three-month period. If you’re missing one tooth or multiple teeth, your dentist will likely recommend that you have all of your teeth extracted and replaced with dental implants at once. Since implantation can be a lengthy process, you may opt to wait to replace your missing tooth until after several months of healing time. Ask your dentist when you should start looking for a new tooth.

What Is The Cost Of Dental Implants Melbourne?

Cost varies by procedure. If you have more than one missing tooth, it’s possible that multiple implants will be necessary to support a replacement tooth or teeth. So your total Dental implant price Melbourne could be significantly higher than an individual implant.

Where Can I Get This Procedure Done?

One of your first steps should be to determine where you can get dental implants. Dentists who is specialised in Tooth implant Melbourne procedure is the right person whom you should approach. It’s important to do your research before making a decision.

Will This Be An Easy Process?

Yes! Dental treatment has come a long way. With advanced technologies and techniques, most procedures have become painless and minimally invasive. The process begins with x-rays of your jaw and surrounding areas to determine if you’re a candidate for implants. Once you have been determined to be eligible, further studies need to be performed that will indicate how many and where implant posts should be placed in order to anchor your tooth replacement.

How Long Does It Take To Recover?

While recovery depends on your oral health condition, you should recover in a couple of weeks followed by the placement of the implant. It’s important to follow the post-operative instructions suggested by your dentist for recovering quickly.

Am I Suitable Candidate For Receiving Dental Implants?

Your dentist is the right person to determine whether or not you are suitable for receiving dental implants. However, you must have enough bone density to receive implants. Bone grafting might be suggested if you don’t have enough jaw bone.

For further queries, please get in touch with our team. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Reasons You Should Replace Missing Teeth

While you may be hesitant to replace missing teeth, this is something that you may have to do sooner rather than later. Missing teeth can cause a number of dental issues and complications if not addressed quickly and properly, so it’s important to understand why you should replace missing teeth as soon as possible. Here are a few reasons you should replace missing teeth with permanent solutions like dental implants Melbourne as soon as possible.

Improve Your Oral Health

Have you ever seen a movie where someone has a missing tooth? It’s not pretty! The negative image of one less tooth makes you wonder what kind of oral health issues might be lurking in your own mouth. Replacing a lost tooth is one way to make sure you have all your pearly whites for years to come. So, if your teeth aren’t as white as they used to be, visit your dentist!

Prevent Further Damage

Tooth loss makes it harder to eat and increases your risk of additional tooth loss. If you’re missing teeth, you’re more likely to chip or crack remaining teeth, which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Even if your dentist suggests that you don’t need a replacement right away, it’s important to start making changes today so that you don’t experience additional damage and have a strong foundation for future dental work.

Boost Self-Confidence

When people lose a tooth, it negatively impacts their self-confidence. When you replace your missing teeth, you can regain your self-confidence. Dentures or implants are important for replacing your lost tooth to improve your appearance and self-esteem. Replacing missing teeth restores function: Losing one or more of your teeth affects how you chew and swallow food because of changes in mouth structure and functioning caused by missing teeth. Complete loss of several posterior (back) molars often results in an inability to chew foods like steak that require extra force during chewing.

Look Good

Imagine a world where people can’t tell you’re missing a tooth. That world is possible with dental implants, but it requires some careful planning. A dentist can build your new smile to match your facial structure and skin tone, so that when you smile, you’ll look as natural as possible. With today’s dentistry options, there are no more limits on what type of tooth replacement options you have!

While there are several teeth replacement options, nothing is as effective as dental implants. Consider replacing with dental implants. However, Dental implants cost Melbourne shouldn’t be a major concern when it comes to your oral health. Dental implants function, feel, and look like natural teeth. That’s why dental implants cost Melbourne is higher than other options. For further queries on dental implants Melbourne cost, please get in touch with our team. We offer flexible payment options with less or no interest.

Dental Implants in Patients with Autoimmune Diseases

Dental implants are becoming more and more common as a method of tooth replacement. Tooth implant in Melbourne provides long-lasting and comfortable results by giving replacement teeth artificial roots in the jaw.

The rate of implant failure remains exceedingly low for the vast majority of people – one study found a one-year implant survival rate as high as 98.6%. The majority of people can have faith in their decision to have dental implants.

Regrettably, not everyone is a good candidate for tooth implant in Melbourne. People who are at risk of acquiring an autoimmune illness, or who already have one, should weigh the benefits and drawbacks of dental implants more carefully than the average person. Let’s look at the link between autoimmune illnesses and metal implants in more detail.

What Is the Relationship Between Dental Implants and Autoimmune Diseases?

Autoimmune disorders are caused by both hereditary and environmental factors, and they lead the immune system to attack the body’s tissues. Metal medical and dental implants may trigger an immunological reaction in those who have metal allergies or other genetic predispositions, according to some study.

  • Multiple sclerosis is one of the diseases that has been studied in relation to metal gadgets.
  • Lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a type of lupus that affects the entire body (Lupus).
  • Fibromyalgia.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of arthritis that affects the joints.
  • Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel illness.

If a metal implant creates an autoimmune condition, it is usually possible to alleviate symptoms by removing the implant. However, it’s understandable that having an implant inserted just to have it removed later is frustrating.

Though autoimmune reactions to dental implants are uncommon, they should be considered when choosing a treatment plan, especially if you have a history of metal allergies or autoimmune illnesses in your family.

How Are Dental Implants Affected by Autoimmune Diseases?

Patients with autoimmune disorders may be concerned about implant failure. The gums must be able to heal and the jawbone must be dense enough for osseointegration to occur in order for an implant surgery to be successful.

Inflammation, for example, is a common autoimmune symptom that can make recovery more difficult. Furthermore, several drugs administered to persons with autoimmune illnesses, like as anti-inflammatory medications, can cause bone loss over time, increasing the risk of dental implant failure.

Is it possible to get dental implants if you have an autoimmune disease?

Yes is the short answer to this question. Patients with autoimmune disorders are frequently implanted without having any consequences. According to research, the failure rate of dental implants in patients with autoimmune illnesses is comparable to the typical failure rate. Implants, for example, have a 93.7 precent average survival rate in patients with Sjögren’s Syndrome across several years. More frequent dental visits might assist ensure the effectiveness of your implant operation. If you are wondering about the cost of dental implants in Melbourne, you can discuss with your dentist and he or she will explain the dental implant price in Melbourne.

What Are Dental Implants And How Do They Work?

Dental implants are used by many people all over the world to restore a complete smile and full functionality to their teeth. A dental implant performs nearly all of the functions of a natural tooth, including assisting with communication and letting you bite and smile confidently. Let’s look at dental implants in more detail and see what makes them different.

What Is a Dental Implant and How Do I Get One?

Dental implants have a screw-like form and are inserted into the gums. They go into your jawbone and join with the natural bone there, creating a site for the crown to attach. A crown is an artificial tooth that is made to mix in with your natural teeth. Dental implants in Melbourne can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • A single implant is put directly above the prosthetic crown to replace a single tooth.
  • A bridge is used to replace several teeth. Two implants are inserted along the gum line, and a row of teeth is connected between them.
  • Many implants can be used to secure a complete lower denture when replacing multiple teeth with a detachable denture.

The procedure for inserting an implant is usually quite simple. Above the tooth to be replaced, a screw-like post is put into the bone. The implant is then left to integrate with the bone in a process known as osseointegration, which might take months. After the implant has osseointegrated, the abutment – a connector — is placed to it, and impressions are made to create the crown.

What Happens When Dental Implants Are Placed?

The crown can be attached to the implant in one of two ways: with screws or with cement.

Screw Attachments

An access hole is created in the tip of the crown for the screw to enter and attach to the implant in this design. An abutment is sometimes utilised to make a stronger connection. These screw attachments make it easier to replace or repair the crown, but they do necessitate the insertion of some material to hide the hole and blend the crown in with the rest of the teeth. They’re especially useful for rear teeth replacements, because the access holes aren’t as noticeable.

Attachments for Cement

Crowns that are affixed to the implant are more difficult to remove and repair if needed. The crown is seamless and blends in with the adjoining teeth because no screw access hole is necessary. In this case, the abutment is inserted into a hole drilled in the crown’s top. The implant is subsequently attached to the bone. You have missing teeth and wondering about the dental implants cost Melbourne, you can contact you dentist and they will discuss about the dental implants Melbourne cost.

Is it Possible for Dental Implants to Fall Out?

Many people are concerned about the security of dental implants, which varies depending on the attachment device. Screw attachments might loosen over time and need to be tightened, but this is a fairly straightforward operation for dental experts. Cemented crowns are less likely to fall out as easily as uncemented crowns and can give a better seal.

To know the dental implants cost Melbourne, you can contact Dental Implant Professionals now!

Got Dental Implants? Follow these 5 Tips to Recover Fast

Missing teeth is a common problem that so many people deal with, and it can happen due to a variety of reasons including accidents or dental health problems. Losing one or more tooth not just give out a weird appearance to your smile, but it also affects your health. This is when dental implants are very helpful. Dental implant price in Melbourne is reasonable and the treatment is quite effective, but in order to make the procedure successful, you must follow the guidance and instructions provided by a dental expert. Make the recovery process easier by following these tips:

Follow the Medications:

Following the medications prescribed by your dental expert is imperative to make sure the recovery or healing happens fast. You could experience pain and discomfort throughout recovery, which is why your dentist suggests over-the-counter painkillers that make the experience less stressful.

Pain management is also possible with the application of ice packs on your face. Ice packs can also reduce swelling. All you have to do is wrap a few ice cubes in a cloth and apply on your cheek for nearly 20 minutes. Take a break of another 20 minutes before you reapply the ice pack.

Never Use Straws:

Dental experts strongly suggest that you shouldn’t use straws when you consume liquid diet during recovery. Using straws will exert pressure on the surgical site and result in dry sockets, which is painful and hard to treat. Therefore, sip your drinks and make sure to stay hydrated for the healing process to be effective. Speaking of liquid diet, do not consume sugary or alcoholic beverages. Opt for nutritious fruit drinks instead.

Don’t Smoke or Use Tobacco:

This is yet another important tip you must follow after getting tooth implant in Melbourne. Usage of cigarettes or tobacco products can hinder your recovery. You already know that smoking is detrimental to your health. The recovery period after getting dental implants is the perfect time to break this habit. Smoking not just slows down the healing process, but it can also dislodge the blood clots due to the sucking action.

Follow a Soft Diet:

Dental experts advise you to follow a soft diet, because it limits chewing. You’re not supposed to disturb the surgical site, so it’s important that you choose nutritious soft foods. Soft diet is not boring because it does include a lot of your tasty favourites including yoghurt, soup, scrambled eggs, smoothies, pudding, applesauce, and more.

Good Dental Care:

It goes without saying that maintaining good oral hygiene facilitates the recovery of tooth implant Melbourne. Remember that you’re not supposed to brush or floss your teeth right after the surgery. When brushing or flossing is not possible, you can slowly rinse your mouth using a good mouthwash for eliminating bacteria. And never spit water after rinsing. Just open your mouth and let it fall out.

Following these tips will certainly help you to get back to your routine activities at the earliest time possible. If you’d like to know about the cost of dental implants in Melbourne or anything else, contact a dental professional today.

Tips to Speedup Dental Implants Recovery Process

When a tooth is lost, one of the most successful ways to replace it is with dental implants in Melbourne. Dental implants provide patients with teeth that are gorgeous, natural-looking, and totally functional, much like natural teeth. Patients must, however, take care of their new teeth as well as their existing teeth to avoid future problems. The dentist will provide the necessary guidance, discuss about the dental implants Melbourne prices and will keep an eye on the patient at all times. Five critical aftercare suggestions for people who have had dental implants are discussed in this article. This will ensure a quick and pain-free recovery.

Maintain a Healthy Mouth

Swishing saline water in the mouth for a few seconds can be quite useful in keeping the mouth clean and free of microorganisms. It is preferable not to violently swish the water. Patients should instead hold the water in their mouth for a few seconds. This will hasten the patient’s recuperation while also complementing his or her other oral hygiene efforts.

Hot Foods and Beverages Should Be Avoided

Hot drinks and meals can irritate the sensitive tissues of the mouth, especially since sensitivity is sometimes momentarily diminished after anaesthesia administration. Furthermore, because the gums require time to heal following dental implant surgery, patients should avoid hot foods and beverages to reduce stress on the tissues. Patients should drink more cold water, because it speeds up the recovery of the treated area and gives relief.

Pay Close Attention to Every Reaction

The dentist would advise the patient to expect minimal swelling, which can be treated with an ice pack applied to the afflicted area. Over-the-counter pain relievers are usually effective for any type of discomfort, and the dentist will advise you on which medications to use. The most important thing is to pay attention to your body and keep an eye on every reaction. If the body behaves differently than the dentist predicted, you should seek advice or treatment from the dentist as soon as possible.

Brushing Too Aggressively Should Be Avoided

The gums around the dental implant will be uncomfortable and sensitive for the first few days after surgery. Brushing is necessary, however patients must wait a few days before brushing near the dental implants. A soft-bristled toothbrush is preferable to avoid damaging the treated region. Brushing should be done gently and carefully.

Gradually Introduce Solid Foods

For a few days after undergoing dental implants in Melbourne, it may be difficult to chew solid foods. Patients can gradually begin to include solid meals into their diet once normal dental function has returned. To achieve total healing, brushing and washing the mouth after each meal is required. If you need any clarification on dental implants cost in Melbourne, you can contact Dental Implant Professionals.

5 Benefits of Dental Implants

It’s never easy when you lose one or more of your teeth, but dental implants can make it much easier to deal with. The dental implants in Melbourne offer several benefits, including the following five.

1) Improves Overall Health

Despite what you might think, there’s more to dental implants than just looks. While your teeth are vital for chewing and speaking, they also play a role in improving your overall health. For example, natural teeth are connected to your body via nerves, which can be compromised by tooth loss. By replacing missing teeth with dental implants, you help prevent damage to these nerves—which means fewer side effects over time. But don’t take our word for it; talk to an dental implants in Melbourne about how dental implants could improve your overall health!

2) Prevents Tooth Decay

Once your tooth is gone, it’s difficult to find a way to prevent further decay in that area. This can lead to further loss in bone density and gum recession. A dental implant can help prevent you from getting cavities in areas where there aren’t teeth anymore. Even if you have implants in place, it’s important to brush and floss regularly so that plaque doesn’t build up around your gums or on top of your implants. You should also have regular dental checkups so that doctors can catch any problems before they get too serious.

3) Increases Confidence

Having a full set of teeth can help boost your confidence and self-esteem, particularly if you were not able to chew certain foods prior to getting implants. There’s something about having a full set of teeth that brings out your best. With implants, you won’t have to miss out on any food types and can indulge in whatever you like without any concerns. Many people discover that their quality of life improves dramatically once they get dental implants because they aren’t dealing with pain or embarrassment due to missing teeth.

4) Keeps Natural Teeth Healthy

This is one of those benefits that may not be obvious, but it’s still very important. When you get dental implants, your gums and jawbone will be stimulated to form new tissue. This means that you’ll end up with healthier teeth even if they aren’t implants! Additionally, because implants are anchored into your jawbone, there is no need for gum surgery—and therefore no added risk of complications.

5) Is Affordable

One of the main benefits of dental implants is that dental implants Melbourne prices will be affordable compared to other options in long run, such as bridges and dentures. The cost to get a dental implant is generally much lower than other types of restorations in long run. In many cases, a patient can have a brand new smile for under $2, 850. In addition to being less expensive, implants don’t have any negative effects on long-term health since they are made from biocompatible titanium.


So, are you looking to have dental implant and fix your smile? Consider choosing the dental clinic like Dental Implant Professionals! At Dental Implant Professionals, the dental implants cost in Melbourne will be affordable and you will receive quality treatment.